ACTION REQUESTED: Recall of Guida's brand milk distributed to schools

Official Message No.:111273-3-30-2022-PHAL
Contact Info: Alan | 609-947-8595 |
Attachments: Yes Attachment 1

The New Jersey Department of Health’s Public Health and Food Protection Program is requesting all local health departments to check each public school’s cafeterias for the presence of Guida’s brand milk, of any type, size, and code date, and issue an embargo or otherwise prohibit the distribution of the milk.  At least 25 children have been hospitalized due to the presence of peroxyacetic sanitizer in Guida’s 1% Lowfat Milk, code dated 09-183 Apr 11 B2.  Other code dates of Guida’s milk may be affected as well.


A photo of the container of milk is attached.


Please notify Alan Talarsky, Dairy, Juice, Bottled Water, and Recalls Project at with the locations and quantities found and embargoed,  thank you.

This information has been broadcast to: Day Care Centers / Preschools; School Administrators; School Nurses; Educational Institutions; Hospital Staff Directory; Hospital CEOs; Hospital Emerg Preparedness Coords; Hospital ER Medical Directors; Hospital Infection Control Practitioners; Hospital Medical Directors; Hospital Nursing Directors; Hospital Security Directors; Hospitals / Acute Care; Hospitals / Other; Hospitals / Veterans; Public Health Sector; Local Boards of Health; NJDOH Staff; NJLINCS Community; NJLINCS and Local Contacts; Public Health Associations; Public Health Council; Labs / Non-Sentinel; Labs / Sentinel; Health Care Organizations; Health Care Providers; Health Care Facilities / Other; Long-term Care; Emergency Medical Services / First Responders; Community Health Centers (FQHCs); Academic Leaders; Community Organizations; Food Safety Organizations; Local Businesses; Recreational Facilities